Wednesday, November 4, 2009

IDA SME Infocomm Package

The IDA SME Infocomm Package (SIP) is a subsidy capped at S$2000 per SME which helps to cover infocomm development for small and medium enterprises. It covers
  • *80% of monthly broadband subscription charges for 12 months
  • *80% of monthly hosting and maintenance of website or web pages for 12 months
  • 80% of website or web pages development efforts

Your business qualifies for the subsidy if you meet all the criteria below:

  1. You are a local SME with
    • at least 30% local shareholding;
    • less than S$15 million fixed assets, and;
    • less than 200 employees (applicable to non-manufacturing sector only).
  2. You do not already own a website
  3. Your purchase includes the development of a website or web pages for your business
  4. You have not claimed under this initiative before